#67 - The Blissful Dog Gift Pack

Minimum Bid: $15

The Blissful Dog Gift Pack – The Blissful Dog Microfiber Cloth, Blissful Dog Round Pug Tin, The Blissful Dog Boo Boo Butter TIn, The Blissful Dog Nose Butter Tin, Blissful Dog Aromatherapy Spray, Blissful Dog Aromatherapy Roll-On, Blissful Dog Fresh Spray (Flat-Face Wash), Blissful Dog Boo Boo Butter, Paw Butter, and Nose Butter Sticks. 

Donor: The Blissful Dog

Approximate Value:  $50

This item can be picked up in Lexington or Louisville, Ky.


This item can be shipped. Shipping paid by winner.